We zijn uitzonderlijk gesloten op zaterdag 27 april 2024.

Maintaining tips

  • The ideal bedroom temperature is 18°C (64.4°F).
  • Your bedroom should be as dry as possible. This way you'll prevent mold on your mattress.
  • Air your bedroom daily, an hour a day is sufficient.
  • Turn your mattress regularly. Some mattress can't be turned, but are specially developed to guarantee good ventilation.
  • Protect your mattress with a mattress protector. This way your mattress stays longer clean and lasts longer.
  • Prevent wear and tear or mold: place a mattress protector between your box-spring (or bed slats) and mattress.
  • Is your mattress sagging (a little bit)? Don't panic! It means it has adjusted to your body shape.
  • After 10 years you have spend about 30.000 hours laying on your mattress. Time to replace!
  • You want to enjoy your new mattress optimally? Check the condition of your box-spring (or bed slats) and replace them in time.
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Verhaeghe Solutions BV - Posterijlaan 25 - 8740 Pittem (België) - Tel. 051/46 62 50 - info@verhaeghe.be - BTW BE0508.994.533 - RPR Gent afdeling Brugge